

As a Python developer, you'll find that Scala has a similar syntax and programming style, but with some key differences in terms of tooling and features.

Build Tools

In terms of build tools, Python developers usually use pip and virtualenv to manage dependencies and virtual environments. In Scala, the most popular build tool is sbt, which provides a higher level of automation and integration with Scala's language features. Sbt allows you to define project dependencies, manage compilation and testing, and package your application for deployment.

Package Managers

Both Python and Scala have package managers to manage external dependencies, but again, they differ in implementation. In Python, pip is the default package manager, which installs packages from the PyPI repository. In Scala, the build tool is typically responsible for package management as well.

Dependency Caching

Dependency caching is important for both Python and Scala, as it can speed up the build process significantly. In Python, pip caches packages in a user-specific folder. In Scala, sbt caches dependencies in the user's local Ivy2 cache.

Project Tree Structure

Regarding the project source tree structure, both Python and Scala follow a similar structure, where source files are separated from build files, and the source tree structure is typically divided into different directories for code and tests. However, the actual folder structure can differ slightly between Python and Scala projects.

Here's a typical file tree structure of a "Hello World" application including tests in Python:

└── tests/

And here's the equivalent file tree structure in Scala:

├── build.sbt
├── project/
│   ├──
│   ├── plugins.sbt
├── src/
│   ├── main/
│   │   └── scala/
│   │       └── HelloWorld.scala
│   └── test/
│       └── scala/
│           └── HelloWorldTest.scala

As you can see, the structure of a Scala project is slightly more complex, with additional directories for sbt build files and project configuration.